Talk about good clean fun! Despite the prison like entrance (the most cops I've seen since... well, the UN was in town recently and there where a lot of cops there - either way, "don't bring anything you would not want to be caught with), and the stifling heat in the gym, the evening was great fun. It took a minute to figure out how the 'Derby' is played, but once you get the idea (which doesn't take that long), the crowd, the music, the people made for an awesome time.... So here ya' go, top 10 names from the Gotham Girls Roller Derby against Portland Ore. last night:
1) Donna Matrix
2) Teq "kill" ya
3) Beatrix Slaughter
4) Hard Anya
5) Huricane Skatrina
6) Megahurtz
7) Raggedy Animal
8) Fisti Cuffs
9) Brigitte Barhot
10) Beyonslay
*refers to best name only
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