Friday, December 21, 2007
Stairway to HELP!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Black. Grey. Zep???
Download it here! (Thanks to Dr. Chlorophyl for pointing this little gem out!)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Get off your ass!!!! (and buy something)
Monday, December 17, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Mirrored. Battles. See + Hear = Nice.
Nice video collaboration from the NYC band Battles and UVA (United Visual Artists). Using a visual medium to compliment a sound track sound easy - but just try it and see if you can make it look good.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sweatshop free doesn't mean sweat free. Especially if you're a model.
The images become even more questionable when you consider the irony that a company borne out of the an ethical ethos of sweatshop free products, continues to push the objectification of women farther and farther. As Newsweek observed, "They are sending the message that social responsibility is about money alone—as long as you pay the women inside the factory a legal wage you’re absolved from exploiting them in other ways."
I think the following graffiti'd caption captures the idea best. In case you can't read it, someone wrote: "Gee. I wonder why women get raped."
And they keep pushing and pushing and pushing... Adendum - see below ad from France!
Monday, November 26, 2007
If we all spend together, maybe we can keep this thing going.
Anyway - here's a list of some good resources to help you exercise your national ego. Go nuts America and spend, spend, spend like there's no tomorrow!
There's NOTCOT’s Holiday Gift Guide and the TreeHugger’s How To Go Green Gift Guide as well as Core 77’s 77 Design Gifts Under $77 which if you ask me is a good deal! Then there'sCool Hunting’s 2007 Holiday Gift Guide which is definately cool... Don't forget to check out Design Public’s Holiday Gift Guide and especially ThisNext’s 2007 Christmas Gift Guide. For the boyfriend, check out Gizmodo’s Old Gadget Gift Guide and if you're feeling a little a little kermit-like, check outInhabits green guide. A personal favorite, Etsy's world of DIY handmade holiday cheerNew York Magazines Holiday Guide and don't forget old faithful, good ol' Ebay
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Branded. You're Never Too Young.
1. | marked with a branding iron to show ownership: branded cattle. |
2. | Commerce. carrying the brand or trademark of a manufacturer: branded merchandise. |
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sometimes you search and discover. Other times you search and destroy. And sometimes, you just search. Keep on shearchin'!
What does it mean when one of the most e-mailed NYTimes article is about a bird watcher who shot a cat - is that even news? I guess it's easier to argue over the value of an animals life rather than reflect on the value of a persons... A sad state of affairs..
So without wasting too much more of your time, enjoy the quick pic of the J-man, and keep on searching for your own stories.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I was there - but only a few of the performers actually showed up
While there where several highlights, overall the artists just phoned it in.... And for a $60+ ticket, I'm a little (no, I'm very) disappointed.... But maybe my expectations where a little too high. While a few folks delivered on the power and soul of the music, for the most part the music was not $60 ticket caliber... You could just as easily go to any jazz/rock club and hear equal if not better versions of these songs....
So, let's start with the good: The Roots where definately the best, and I hope the rest of the musicians feel like assholes because they made everyone else look like crap.... With the exception of maybe Calexico, MMJ and Jim James, the lap guitar/violin/mandolin player, David Mansfield and Gomez, everyone else was a little underwhelming.
On the sounds good, but it's overall mediocre, was a guest appearance by a young women whose name I can't remember, but who played "Hard Rain..." - who got a standing ovation. She had a nice voice and overall it was better than some of the other performers, but you might as well have just listened to the Eddie Brickel version from the 90's... No originality. No inspiration or soul...
And while I am a huge fan of J Mascis, I was disappointed... I kept waiting on the edge of my seat for J to blow open the doors and deliver a sonic boom of Dylan'esque rock! While J did deliver some nice solo's, it wasn't until the Roots that I actually felt someone or anyone put any effort, feeling and forethought into the music.
Otherwise, there where a bunch of "legendary" folk and punk singers who didn't impress me... And WTF was with the Acid children??? I'm down with the hippy love fest, but don't spend ten minutes getting ready huggin' and lovin' and then play a three minute song....
Sound guy - I know it's tough with so many different performers, but you have to do better than that.. Crackling bass. Terrible mix. Changing the volume in the middle of a song??? Again, disappointing.
And finally, to add injury to insult, Heath Leger - lay off the blow and take the fuckin' gum out of your mouth....
Monday, November 5, 2007
Office Space - Don't touch my stapler....
Has someone ever tried to take your stapler... Or put you in a cubicle that was barely a cubicle.. Wired put a call out for the "best of's" and IT guys everywhere answered - some highlights:
- Put in a shipping container
- Desk by the door in Minnesota during the winter
- Cube. You just get a box and chair buddy.
- Behind the cabinets?
Very funny. Very sad.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
What's old is new again - except when your drunk... That feels pretty much the same as it did 100 years ago.
In his new book “Imbibe!” (Perigee Books, $23.95), a biography and annotated recipe book, David Wondrich revisits the life and times of Jerry Thomas, the famed mixoligist at the turn of the century. (If you don't feel like reading the book, the NYTimes does a great job of sumarising it - I didn't actually read it either, but whatever!!)
While the article is interesting and I'm sure the book is engrossing, what caught my fancy was how everything old is new. At a time when everyone is obsessed with micro brews, single malt scotches and vintage wines, it's refreshing to read of a time when creativity and professional life could combine to form delicious libations of sweet remedy... While this fellow did die broke, his contribution to bar life is greatly appreciated and the commentary regarding the evolution of the cocktail, fascinating..
So go out and drink a blue blazer - if you can find someone to mix it up!
Friday, October 26, 2007
I am one with the external mind. Om.
If you lost your cell phone, who would you call and would you remember their number ?
Have we surrendered personal choice to machines? Has "the computer generation" lost our sense of personal identity and choice, relying almost entirely on computers to tell us what to do? I find myself stumbling upon this question a lot these days. David Brooks discusses this in a recent piece and I can't help but agree with his observations that with all the automation in our lives, shouldn't we question what decisions remain a reflection of personal choice... Computers tell us where to drive our cars, which songs to buy, which products we'll like, who our friends should be....
However, I guess it all depends on each persons relationship to technology - we can blindly accept the "recommended" CD's, food , movies and friends or we can revisit the days when we actually asked somebody.
These guys put the "EXTREME" in extreme sports
These guys are insane, and the guy in this video got caught in a real live Tsunami.
Truly insane. As proof Dan Osman, the guy in this video, later lost his life doing this.
And while this may not be as insane, it's still a great way to break your neck.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
G.I. Jonny VS. Captain Bare Back.... (UK)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Brohemian Rhapsody! Just like the good ol' days!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
High School Teachers Beware!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Creative Adaptation or Total Rip Off?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Hey. Ho. Let's Roll.......
Talk about good clean fun! Despite the prison like entrance (the most cops I've seen since... well, the UN was in town recently and there where a lot of cops there - either way, "don't bring anything you would not want to be caught with), and the stifling heat in the gym, the evening was great fun. It took a minute to figure out how the 'Derby' is played, but once you get the idea (which doesn't take that long), the crowd, the music, the people made for an awesome time.... So here ya' go, top 10 names from the Gotham Girls Roller Derby against Portland Ore. last night:
1) Donna Matrix
2) Teq "kill" ya
3) Beatrix Slaughter
4) Hard Anya
5) Huricane Skatrina
6) Megahurtz
7) Raggedy Animal
8) Fisti Cuffs
9) Brigitte Barhot
10) Beyonslay
*refers to best name only
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Are Women Really Depreciating Assets?
POST: “spectacularly beautiful” 25-year-old seeking a husband who makes at least $500,000 a year, because “$250,000 won’t get me to Central Park West.”
RESPONSE: Your proposition is a bad business deal. “In economic terms, you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset,.”“ Your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity.”
According to the NYTimes (article), this little diddy hit the web in full force and raised questions of misogyny, online ethics and overall email etiquette. While his response is cold and biting and I've certainly met my fair share of Hedge Fund managers and M&A bankers, I don't disagree with his logic. And, while I understand how the objectification of women is wrong, this women, whomever she is, has clearly laid the ground rules. She named her price - she just probably never took an economics course......
Lucky for me, I've got a priceless jewel at home that only improves with age!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Has $ ruined Art? Is that even a question.
In a recent NYMag article, the author raises the above question (and in typical NYMag fashion, the headline is more informed and well crafted than the subsequent commentary) - has money ruined art?
While the remaining words provide little in the way of intellectual curiosity and or commentary, beyond rehashing the the past months gallery shows and the expected industry names, the fact remains that there is too much money in New York at the moment and this is evident in the fact that poorly conceived, poorly crafted objects continue to demand ridiculous prices.
While the value of any commodity is determined in the free market, what boggles my mind is that unlike an ounce of gold or a gallon of gasoline, the value of art is determined by pure subjective taste - bad taste in my opinion - not its actual function (but then i'm not buying or bidding on these objects anyway). So let the home decorators rule the roost (pink paintings to go with pink couches), let the hedge fund managers dictate artistic values (that which demands money commands money) - and let us continue to worship a value system clearly made up of dollar bills.
A little behind - but still hot off the block!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Has NYC lost it's soul?
A recent town hall here in NYC discussed just this subject, as reported by the NYTimes. As someone who grew up here in the city in the late 80's and mid 90's and lives here now, I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. As I like to quip to friends, SoHo is now the biggest and nicest open air mall in America. What was once old warehouses, artist lofts and a smorgisboard of strange sights, smells, scenes and people, has become an area where I feel more alienated then ever - it's not my New York!
I remember hearing immigrants speaking a foreign language; Spanish, Chinese or a Caribbean dialect - now I am more likely to hear German, French or Dutch.. Tourists dominate.
Starbucks dominates. H&M dominates. Banana Republic dominates. Art Gallery's that cater to the tourist trade dominate.
What happened to all the "normal" people?
I'll fly like a paper get high like planes.......
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Light Your Environment
Paris by light
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator.” You will fit in well in New York City
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Mashah!

A new favorite on heavy rotation. Diplo (link) - mashin' shit up all crazy!! Enjoy his latest and greatest from the UK.
Putting Money on the Table (Sun NYTimes)
Is this really what women have become - focused on money and career - sounds like they are truly men (who just don't want to pay to keep a dime piece on the wrist). Suck it up, pay the bill and move on.