Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Band of Knaves?

A new young group out of Toronto. Simple, catchy songs
that make you nod your head. Download the demo here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Light Your Environment

I've seen those Sprint ads - cool. But I think he's one upped em' as his use of the environment to ad a three dimensional element is pretty hot. Check it out!

Paris by light

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Human Flip Book?

Some people draw. Some people silk screen. Some people wear t-shirts. These guys do it all and make it look easy.....

"you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator.” You will fit in well in New York City

Not the first asshole to arrive on the shores of NYC with a bad attitude.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Jesus! Cool Jesus?

New Mashah!

A new favorite on heavy rotation. Diplo (link) - mashin' shit up all crazy!! Enjoy his latest and greatest from the UK.

No Pain, No Gain.

Painful, but pretty?

Putting Money on the Table (Sun NYTimes)

Is this really what women have become - focused on money and career - sounds like they are truly men (who just don't want to pay to keep a dime piece on the wrist). Suck it up, pay the bill and move on.