Thursday, April 30, 2009

Photo of the Day

By chance I stumbled upon this site and this first photo caught my eye. Topical, well taken, interesting.... All the things I look for in an image. Nice... The site has others that just as interesting - if you have a few minutes, take a look.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An Artful Sandwich

Katz Deli: Corned Beef, Mustard, on Rye
Two slices of bread, meat, veggies (optional), cheese (optional) and dressing... Five (or less) simple ingredients, infinite combination's...

One sandwichologist has taken this passion and documented the visual impression these creations deliver, prior to filling the tummy.

Enjoy Scandwiches and then go out and enjoy the real thing.

Hipster Heaven (or Hell)

Tired of that crowded L train - well take solace you're not the only one slightly annoyed by the plethora of lame ass, stinky, indie hippies...

Check out this site - especially the comments section... Light fun and clever.

Caption for this pic reads...

“I wish for…more allowance!”

Thursday, April 16, 2009

An amazing ability to say nothing - and make you smile

John Madden - say his name and you know we're talking about football. Yesterday, he confirmed he is retiring from his position a broadcaster - we will miss him.

Few people have the ability to say almost nothing while talking and keeping you entertained - John was truly gifted.

Good luck!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wacko - Jack-O - Capt. Insain-O

The king of pop has been on a downward spiral for years. Now you too, can own a piece of insanity.... here.

Find the piece of bronze that's been rubbed the most.....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Spike - Getting Wild

From one of the alltime bests children's classics - Spike Jonze is taking a stab at brining to life "where the wild things are" - good look. Based on the preview, looks promising.

Jumping Back In

new skate video from Spike Jonze - pretty cool. Will try and post some of the classics from back in the day shortly.

enjoy. trying to get back.