Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sweatshop free doesn't mean sweat free. Especially if you're a model.

American Apparel. The indie darling of the fashion set. A brand able to push the boundaries of good taste and walk the fine line between sexual energy and full-on pornography. Either way, the ads are memorable, but have the most recent ones pushed the line too far?

The images become even more questionable when you consider the irony that a company borne out of the an ethical ethos of sweatshop free products, continues to push the objectification of women farther and farther. As Newsweek observed, "They are sending the message that social responsibility is about money alone—as long as you pay the women inside the factory a legal wage you’re absolved from exploiting them in other ways."

I think the following graffiti'd caption captures the idea best. In case you can't read it, someone wrote: "Gee. I wonder why women get raped."

And they keep pushing and pushing and pushing... Adendum - see below ad from France!

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